one mans not so politically correct musings of the world around him

Monday, August 20, 2007


You ever find yourself driving down a highway in the middle of the night (let’s say 4am) and you can’t remember when you last saw another car on the road and you hit a red light at some middle of nowhere crossroads... This wouldn’t be a problem if there was actually a car waiting to use the intersection. Even a pedestrian would be acceptable. Hell, some wildlife waiting to cross the road. But no. There’s nothing in sight. It just went red for (apparently) no other reason than to slow you down, waste your time and gas. And this has nothing to do with bad luck or poor timing, it was programmed to do this.
Municipalities love this shit. It slows down speeders and drunks and makes the communities safer. Yeah that’s great but it also pisses off the 99.9..% of the other drivers on the road who have to stop at these ridiculous and pointless red lights at such a crazy hour.
If they insist on having these traffic controls why not go with a flashing red light. Sure you’ll have to stop but at least you don’t have to sit and wait – sometimes up to 30 seconds – for the freaking green light in the middle of the night.
And if you’re going to treat these as a 4 way stop and shuffle through the red light make sure you’re not lined up in the sights of a red light camera.

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