one mans not so politically correct musings of the world around him

Sunday, August 19, 2007


As you have probably noticed over the past couple of years the self-serve check out is turning up at more and more retailers with grocery stores leading the way with this brave new technology.
Personally I am not the biggest fan and from what I have seen in passing observations many consumers are also slow to adopt this non-human alternative to paying for stuff.
And what really pisses me off is that some retailers are jamming this technology down their customers throats by cutting back on traditional cashier staff before this electronic method has even remotely gained acceptance. Not mentioning any names (HomeDepot) but I've been part of a line 10 people deep enjoying the stellar efficiency of a single cashier while another employee cheerfully advises customers that the self-serve check out is open. I'd like to cheerfully advise her to get herself behind a cash register.
Yep, clearly not everyone is buying into this new system.

Industry experts will tell you the primary benefit to the consumer is that this method is faster. I agree down the road it may be (it also might be the only payment option) but in the present day while Granny McPhee is figuring out how to weigh her bananas and holding up the rest of the queue the speed argument is debatable.
The efficiency issue aside, I have a problem with doing more work and getting nothing for it. I scan it. I pay for it. I bag it. Did I save any money for my extra effort? I did not but the retailer certainly did. Sure those in the retail industry will tell you that with the savings in labour costs they can offer lower prices. Forgive my skepticism on that point.
One thing is clear we all best get used to this method as it is here to stay in one form or another. Like with any technology that is new and different there will be a learning and acceptance curve. The good news is that the efficiency of this method will improve greatly as people get used to it. But I'm still not holding my breath for any price reductions for scanning my own stuff.

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